Astrology December 2018
Okaaay… who’s in shock? December?! REALLY? Well… we’re here now, so Welcome & Happy Birthday Sagittarius! & what a Sadge Season this promises to be. With Sadge Ruler Jupiter in its own Sign, along with the Sun & Mercury, all having a conversation with Mars & Neptune in Pisces. Once upon a time, Pisces was Ruled by Jupiter too! So lets get our heads around that for starters.
Jupiter inflates, Jupiter is expansive & boundary-less. Jupiter is extra everything & cares not for facts & figures. Jupiter is the CONCEPT, the IDEAL. The Sun represents our ego & how we choose to assert ourselves, how we use our power, how we shine in this World. In Sadge, the Sun tends to over do. Mercury is how we express ourselves… how we think & speak. In Sadge, He tends to do both, impulsively. No matter what Sign you actually are, as a Collective, we all take on the flavours of the Sign a Planet is currently Transiting through. Working off this premise, we’re all going to be prone to excess in how we do things & what we say…
Add to this that second Pisces bit! Mars is our action & our drive. Mars gets us up in the morning & makes our breakfast. In Pisces, honestly? He’d rather stay in bed. & He’s hanging out with Neptune, modern Ruler of Pisces & the Planet of feelings, fantasing, parties, poetry, mysteries, yarns & yearnings. So Mars is probably either hung over from all the Christmas cheer, or exhausted from several nights full of intense dreams. Just like Jupiter, Neptune too is without a container, no boundaries &… he’s a sea of emotions.
Does the above equation have anything to do with a sensible, orderly, sane day to day life? Probably not & yet we’re all tasked to get through December in one earthly piece! As a side note, Mercury is still Retrograde, but he comes good on the 7th, hopefully lessening any communication snafus & hold ups you’ve been experiencing. But even so guys, December is prone to be ungrounded. I’ll give you some key words, you can make of them what you will: Over reacting, Over promising, Unrealistic expectations, Unclear assumptions, Idealising & I’ll add Fuzzy & Floaty too, for good measure. Watch out for these things, either in yourself or others & try to keep both feet ON the ground. These same qualities can all be applied in a positive way with creative endeavours though, so get your artists pinny on to harness them productively!
If you’re still upright, lets talk about Venus too! Planet of Love, Relationships & Finances. She’s back in Scorpio, opposing Uranus. Uranus, Planet of sudden Change, Rebellion & Revolution. Oh my goodness, our hearts! I talked a lot about Venus in Scorpio during her recent Retrograde, but to recap & catch up… when She went Retrograde (6th October), She went from Scorpio right back into Libra. Uranus was also Retrograde then (since 8th August). Venus & Uranus combinations usually amount to a bumpy ride. That can be exciting or uncomfortable, depending on how you like things stacked! We may have been wanting change, but unable to liberate ourselves from various strings. So the latter part of the year may have held a lot of push pull… “Do I? Don’t I?” We’ve probably tried on a few different outfits by now & that’s a good thing. All Retrogrades are meant to help us reassess, realign & hone. Now, Venus moves forward, out of diplomatic Libra & into Scorpios deep reflective & transformative waters again, but Uranus is still going backward. Ouuf! What I’d suggest is this: whatever you’re up to, keep taking tentative, flexible steps forward for now. Until Uranus wakes up & passes the Degree Venus went Direct at, which happens around the 2nd week of February, 2019, I’m not sure the traction is fully gripping. We’ll be getting a heads up around the 18th of this December though, when Venus is out of her shadow zone.
I haven’t really touched on Saturn or Pluto… They’re fairly quiet for now. Conserving Their energy I’d say, as They’re about to become front stage players next Year. At some point, Saturn, Pluto & Jupiter will be conversing. Fun & games people! Fun & games ahead. If I were to be dark for a moment, I’d say eat, drink & be merry this Month &… make amends. Make friends again whilst people are in a lighter, more celebratory mind frame. We have some heavy lifting to do in 2019. I know you’re tired… probably exhausted, but try. Be kind to your future self & those you really should be loving toward. Think doves & olive branches. EVERYONE has had a super tough time in one way or another. One thing all this Jupiter/Neptune/Soul/Spirit/Higher Self stuff is GREAT for is The Bigger Picture, Compassion, Empathy & Forgiveness. If you are honestly past that point & have nothing left to give? It’s also fantastic timing to forget & heal. Nike slogan style: Just Do It.
Oh! & lets not forget, it’s Solstice! On Saturday the 22nd, exact at 9:23am. The Sun will have *just* gone into Capricorn (0″00 Degrees!) & the Moon will be in Gemini. It should be a good day for multi-tasking, socialising & getting things done. Gemini people are able to drive you somewhere & hold a conversation with you & someone else… on their phone, whilst programming their sat nav, picking their play list & gesticulating to show you the best cafe in town… all at once. It shouldn’t be hard to come up with quite a few interesting ideas for your Solstice Resolutions.
The New Moon this Month is in Sagittarius, @15 Degrees, at 18:20, on the 7th of December. Sadge energy applies to writing & speaking, teaching & learning, travelling to far off places, philosophy, religion & spirituality. I guess the main feature of this one is that it’s Square that Mars & Neptune Aspect in Pisces I was talking about earlier! The best way to handle this is to think BIG about your intentions. Note I said “think” big… this is great time for dreaming up your best case scenario, your “dream come true”, your true hearts desire, but not for taking any action (yet). Again, Mars & Neptune are slippery bed mates, they are sensational at talking things up, but when it comes to making things REAL? Mmmm… well… they hadn’t thought about that part. Concepts however ARE hard to come by & you do have to have an idea *first*, so think “it” up & stash “it” away for now. The time to act will be early next year. Nice to have something to mull over & day dream about til then though.
The Full Moon follows on December 23rd, @0 Degrees of Cancer, at 04:48. The Moon stays in this Sign in the lead up to Christmas day & that’s a good thing because Cancer is alll about Family! If not the Traditional form of it, whoever you deem your Family to be. Cancerian energy is about nurturing & everything that entails… a tres comfortable environment… sensational food… companionship & kindness. Children! Human, fury, scaled or feathered. Though the Moon will have shifted into Leo Christmas day, this Full Moon sets us up nicely. Yes, we STILL have Jupiter with Mars & Neptune shenanigans going on, but we also have Venus coming into play, adding a lovely Aspect to it all. There may be a LOT of “peacocking” about, reminiscing & telling of tall tales today & some revelations about Family or friends history. ALL relationships feature. How solid the facts behind things are though remains in question! If you do get surprised by some revelation, be it your own or someone else’s, I’d take it with a grain of salt until further notice.
Fluorite! By far one of the most stabilising & grounding Crystals, offering a true bridge between the Spiritual & Physical Realms, it’s exactly what we all should be reaching for now! It’s blue, green & purple colours soothe the Soul. Fluorite hypes up our intuitive abilities whilst supporting rapid processing & organisation of our thoughts. Balancing left & right brain, it brings us order, stability & clarity when we most need it. As the energy of December will bring in much trickster tricking, this Stone protects against mental manipulation & brain fog, in general. Finally, dust off, cleanse & charge your Shungite as well (Solstice is a good opportunity!) Next Year is bound to be full of Shungite moments, so get yours cooking!
If I’ve sounded like a crazy person this Month, it’s probably because I’m a crazy person. But hopefully you’ll all be making resolutions not to end up in my same state. I put forth that the trials & tribulations we’ve all faced during the Year have made us into stronger stretched beings & we’ll be able to face 2019 from a wise, less concerned & more enlightened place. I wish you & yours Peace, Love & Laughter through the Holidays! Stay Safe, Keep Cool 😉
You can find Fluorite in its many forms at Sacred Source & you can book a Personal Astrology Consultation or Tarot Reading with Tiana, or any of our other gifted Readers, by calling the shop on 9509 2421. We’re closed on Christmas & Boxing Day, but open otherwise 9 to 5 =)
Image credit: Ivanovgood, on pixabay.
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