Azurite Crystal
Astrological Sign(s): Capricorn, Taurus, Sagittarius
Chakra: 5th Chakra, Throat
Numerology: 1
Metaphysical: Communication, Intuition, Guidance
“Azurite is known as the “stone of heaven” and stimulates the pursuit of the heavenly self, providing for guidance via the Third Eye and allowing precise verbalization of psychic experiences. It awakens the development of the psychic self and provides for insight into all areas of ones life. Azurite enhances creative abilities and helps to eliminate indecision and worries which are quietly agitating in the back of ones mind. Simply hold the Azurite and ask to have the troublesome thoughts evaporate.
It is the great benefactor, controlling the flow of energy and emitting precisely the amount of energy required in any situation. The crystal form has been used to facilitate contact with ones spiritual guide and to allow one to both feel the presence and to understand the message. It also aligns the chakras and attunes the structure of the physical body to the ethereal providing for an unimpaired flow of energy. It works quite well in the dissolution of energy blockages.”
– Love is in the Earth – A Kaleidoscope of Crystals by Melody
Healing Uses: Asthma, brain function, enhances creative skill, hearing, intuition, calms nerves
Products online: Azurite Crystals
Azurite Crystal images
- Sean – Psychic Mediuim - July 26, 2017
- Javiera – Tarot Reader - July 26, 2017
- Chinese Horoscope 2017 – Year of the Rooster - January 25, 2017