December Colour – Olive Crystals
December in the southern hemisphere sees the vibrant green rays of growth, of spring, combine with the yellow of pure sunshine to produce the powerful colour ray of olive. This combination awakens us to the possibilities that are rapidly developing.
Olive is the colour ray of receptiveness to new meanings and ideas. It is the colour of the acolyte, apprentice and the assistant.
Olive Crystal Colour Meaning
Light Olive: concentration, determination, diligence, discipline, endurance, failure (easing), motivation, perseverance, resistance
Olive: awakening, change, despondency (dealing with), enhanced listening skills, independence, meaning, receptiveness, regeneration, sense of worth
Dark Olive: capable, development, grades, ignorance (curing), intelligence, learning, problem solving, success in school
source: The seven secrets of crystal tailsmans by Henry Mason
Olive Coloured Crystals include:
- chalcedony
- smithsonite
- calcite
- apatite
- idocrase
- green tourmaline
- fluorite
- epidote
- adamite
- peridot
- prehnite
- turquoise
- jade
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