Carnelian Crystals
Astrological Sign(s): Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Taurus
Chakra: 1st, Base Chakra
Numerology: 5 & 6
Metaphysical: Creativity, Physical Vitality, Grounding
Carnelian is linked with emotional warmth, sociability, creativity, individuality, memory, appreciation of nature, harmony, courage, happiness, self-esteem, rebirth, reincarnation and past life recall. This stone calms our fears about death and rebirth, bringing serenity and acceptance of the great cycle of life.
Healing Uses: menopause, menstruation, breast milk, epilepsy, nose bleeds
Products online: Carnelian Crystals
Carnelian Crystal images
- Sean – Psychic Mediuim - July 26, 2017
- Javiera – Tarot Reader - July 26, 2017
- Chinese Horoscope 2017 – Year of the Rooster - January 25, 2017