Onyx Crystal
Astrological Sign(s): Leo
Chakra: 1st Chakra, Base
Numerology: 6
Metaphysical: Strength, Clarity, Meditation/Dreaming Tool
Onyx is wonderful at assisting to provide wonderful frequencies for meditation and dreaming. When using this for either of these purposes, it is recommended one use a grounding stone for protection in concert with the Onyx. Onyx promotes strength, stamina, tenacity, and self control. It is valuable in difficult or confusing times in ones life. It can be used to banish grief and encourages happiness and good fortune. It helps one to become master of their own future.
Onyx is strength giving and helps one in challenging times to rise above the situation and be a strong decision maker.
Healing Uses: Purifies blood disorders and lowers blood pressure, bone strength, grief, feet and teeth
Products available online: Onyx Crystals
Onyx Crystal images
- Sean – Psychic Mediuim - July 26, 2017
- Javiera – Tarot Reader - July 26, 2017
- Chinese Horoscope 2017 – Year of the Rooster - January 25, 2017