Clear Quartz Crystal Meaning
Crystal System: Trigonal
Astrological Sign(s): All
Chakra: All
Numerology: Quartz = 4, Clear Quartz = 6
Crystal Meaning: Energy Amplifier, Powerful Healer, Soul Cleanser
Quartz in general is a programmable stone and amplifies the properties of any crystal in its vicinity. Also used as a channeling crystal, assists in the areas of amplifying both body energy and thought. It assists in the creation of power and can provide for clarity in thinking to enable thoughts to more effectively influence matter. It can be used to transform thoughts into sound, producing the vibration associated with thought and effecting the environment with the discharged energy.” Love is in the Earth–A Kaleidoscope of Crystals by Melody
Healing Uses: Clear Quartz is a master healer that can be used for any condition to bring into balance.
- improves the holders ability to astral project
- purifies blood disorders and lowers blood pressure
- improves blood circulation
- instills courage in tough times
- helps to recall dream states
- assists with overcoming fear and phobias
- gives the bearer belief and hope
- strengthens the immune system
- improves breathing
- commands order and organisation
- brings peace and tranquility
- alleviates throat symptoms
Products online: Quartz Cystals
Quartz Crystal images
- Sean – Psychic Mediuim - July 26, 2017
- Javiera – Tarot Reader - July 26, 2017
- Chinese Horoscope 2017 – Year of the Rooster - January 25, 2017