Kyanite Crystal
Astrological Sign(s): Taurus, Libra, Aries
Chakra: 5th, Throat
Numerology: 4
Metaphysical: Attunement, Meditation, Amplifier
Kyanite dispels energy blockages and is a dynamic stone to use for bringing energy into and around the physical body. It doesn’t hold negative energy and so it never needs cleaning and can be used to align and attune one’s chakras. Kyanite promotes healing dreams and recall of these dreams so the healing can be grounded on the earth plane.
Kyanite stimulates the higher mind and encourages one to speak the truth with conviction and certainty
Healing Uses: Anger, improves brain function, dreams, frustration, meditation
Products online: Kyanite Crystals
Kyanite Crystal images
- Sean – Psychic Mediuim - July 26, 2017
- Javiera – Tarot Reader - July 26, 2017
- Chinese Horoscope 2017 – Year of the Rooster - January 25, 2017