Category: Interviews

Interview with Gregg Braden THE RISE OF THE GREATEST REVOLUTION OF ALL TIMES Enjoy this unprecedented interview with Gregg Braden, author of the bestselling book The Divine Matrix.

law of attraction in action

New questions on: staying positive around a negative friend, why bad things can happen when you’re feeling good, death-of-a-child issues, she’s lost her trust in men, why are we all here, do we ultimately...

Spiral of Time

It is an experimental footage about time and the shift of the ages. It was created by mixing several source footages and it was filled with the commentaries of Drunvalo Melchizedek & Terence Mckenna

Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman

Hosted by Morgan Freeman, Through the Wormhole will explore the deepest mysteries of existence – the questions that have puzzled mankind for eternity. What are we made of? What was there before the beginning?...

Lynne McTaggart The Bond – part 1

Author and researcher Lynne McTaggart argued that by working together in groups rather than as individuals, we can yield the greatest benefits. In the West, many are trained to believe in the survival of...