Tagged: Sagittarius

Sagittarius Birthstone and Horoscope

Sagittarius Birthstone and Horoscope forecasts that independence and self-will will prevail. This is because the planetary strength is situated in the Eastern sector of the horoscope. Follow your own life path and you will...

Sodalite Crystal

Sodalite unites logic with intuition and opens spiritual perception, bringing information from the highest source down to the physical level. Sodalite stimulates the pineal gland and the third eye.

Nuummite Crystal

Nuummite Crystal Crystal System: Orthorhombic Chakra Healing: 1st, Root Chakra and Earth Star Chakra Numerology: 35/8 Astrological: Sagittarius Crystal Meaning: Opens and Activates the Chakras, Grounding, Protective and Shielding Nuummite Crystal is the oldest...

Ruby Crystal

Astrological Sign(s): Aries, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio Chakra: 1st, Root / Base Chakra Numerology: 3 Metaphysical: Love, Passion, Abundance Ruby crystals stimulate the Heart Chakra and assists in the selection and attainment of ones...

Obsidian Crystals

Astrological Sign(s): Sagittarius Chakra: 1st, root chakra Numerology: 3 Metaphysical: Grounding, Protecting, Healing Obsidian, “is an excellent grounding stone and provides for a connection from the base of the spine to the heart of the...

Labradorite Crystal

Astrological Sign(s): Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio Chakra: 2nd, Sacral Numerology: 6, 7 Metaphysical: Transformation, Protection, Aids in Addiction Labradorite gives us strength of will and a feeling of inner worth. It strengthens and protects our...

Iolite Crystal

Astrological Sign(s): Libra, Sagittarius, Taurus Chakra: 5th, Throat Numerology: 7 Metaphysical: Meditation/Astral Travel, Balance, Healing “Iolite enhances leadership abilities, power and inner strength, self-confidence and executive abilities. One of the major stones for use...